Edisto Honey

We now have Edisto Gold Honey

"Pure Bliss, Straight from the Hive: Unleash the Sweet Symphony of Nature with our Raw Honey Delight!"

Great for your health

Honey is not just a delicious sweetener; it also boasts a myriad of health benefits. Packed with antioxidants, enzymes, and antibacterial properties, honey can support immune function, soothe sore throats, and promote overall well-being. Additionally, its natural sugars provide a quick energy boost without the drawbacks of processed sugars, making it a wholesome choice for those seeking a healthier alternative. 

Used as a natural sweetener

Elevate your baking creations with the golden touch of honey, a natural sweetener that not only imparts a rich, nuanced flavor but also adds moisture and depth to your favorite treats.

Good till the last drop

"Honey, with its remarkable longevity, remains an eternal delight, as its naturally acidic and low-moisture composition ensures an indefinite shelf life."


About Edisto Gold Honey

(in their own words)

It all began with one beekeeper, two farmers, and a few hives… this was the humble start of Edisto Gold Honey. Today, we have hundreds of hives, work hand-to-hand with five different farms, provide pollination services, and offer bee rescues while caring for one of nature's most invaluable species, the honeybee. Humility, however, is still a part of our culture, as we really have the bees and the natural bounty of the Lowcountry to thank.

We are passionate about keeping the Lowcountry buzzing with our most-essential pollinators and keeping certified SC honey in the hands of our customers. With this in mind, we work hard every day to protect our bees and provide them with the best possible circumstances to be successful. In return, they provide us with "Lowcountry Liquid Gold," and we have the privilege of sharing that with you.

How do bees make honey?

Picture this: bees, the ultimate gourmet chefs of the insect world, embark on a culinary adventure that transforms flower juice into the golden ambrosia we call honey. It's like a sweet secret mission! First, these little buzzers zip around collecting nectar, storing it in their bee backpacks (or, scientifically speaking, their honey stomachs). Back at the hive, they share their loot with the house bees, who add a dash of enzymes to cook up some honey magic. Then, the whole hive turns into a bee bakery with bees flapping their wings like culinary maestros, reducing the water content and turning the nectar into liquid gold. Finally, they seal the deal with beeswax, locking in the deliciousness. It's basically a bee masterpiece, a teamwork-fueled miracle that brings us the sweet, sticky joy of honey! 🐝✨

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